2024 Hall of Fame Award Winners

Honoring excellence in the floral industry. Congratulations to this year’s outstanding recipients!

WUMFA is pleased to announce the 2024 Hall of Fame Award Winners! The winners were announced and presented their awards at the 2024 Hall of Fame Banquet.

Lifetime Achievement Award


Tom & Nancy Aykens

Memorial Florists

Son Bob and Daughter Mary accepting award

This award is given to an individual or individuals who have dedicated the majority of their life to the floral industry. Through their love and passion, the industry is better today.

Retailer Of The Year


Waukesha Floral & Greenhouse

Waukesha, WI

Retailer of the Year is Reserved for a member of the Wisconsin Upper Michigan Florists’ Association that has done an outstanding job as a florist.

Wholesale Tradesman Of The Year


Paul Grulke Karthauser & Sons

Germantown, WI

Wholesale/Tradesman of the Year award is given in recognition and appreciation of the unselfish labor and achievement for the advancement of the floral industry within the boundaries of Wisconsin and Upper Michigan.

Young Person Of The Year Award


Spencer Whitehouse-Seim

Evergreen Florist

Appleton, WI
Young Person of the Year can be anyone connected with the floral industry – retailer, wholesaler, grower, allied tradesman or trade organization member – for meritorious service to the floral industry, community, and potential service to the industry and community in the future, who is under 35 years old and has two years in the floral industry.

Special Service Award


Lisa Belisle AIFD, CF

Floral Elements

Delafield, WI
Special Service Award – Organizational activity, research or education, retailer, wholesale distributor or allied tradesman. The award might be made to those in these categories for their contribution to the industry and/or the organization.

National Service Award


Jackie Lacey AAF, AIFD, CFD, PFCI

Jacksonville, FL

National Service Award can be given to anyone connected with the floriculture industry – retailer, growers, wholesaler, education, plant breeder, etc. – for outstanding service to the floral industry of America.

WUMFA Best Trade Show Booth Award


Bill Doran Company

Green Bay, WI

Nominate for the 2025 Hall of Fame Awards

Know someone deserving of recognition? Nominate them for a WUMFA Hall of Fame Award today.