Hall of Fame Award Nominations

The Hall of Fame Awards acknowledge companies and individuals whom have been selected as “First Amongst Your Peers!”

The categories for the awards include:

Retailer of the Year

Reserved for only a member of the Wisconsin Upper Michigan Florists’ Association that has done an outstanding job as a florist.

Grower of the Year

Reserved for only a member of the Wisconsin Upper Michigan Florists’ Association that has done an outstanding job growing, distributing, new methods of production and service to retailers as well as service to the community and industry activity.

Special Service Award

Organizational activity, research or education, retailer, wholesale distributor or allied tradesman. The award might be made to those in these categories for their contribution to the industry and/or the organization.

Wholesale/Tradesman of the Year

Paremium Ad Excellentem Laborem”… In recognition and appreciation of the unselfish labor and achievement for the advancement of the floral industry within the boundaries of Wisconsin and Upper Michigan.

Young Person of the Year

Anyone connected with the floral industry – retailer, wholesaler, grower, allied tradesman or trade organization member – for meritorious service to the floral industry, community, and potential service to the industry and community in the future. Age limit: 35 years with two years in the floral industry.

National Service Award

Anyone connected with the floriculture industry – retailer, growers, wholesaler, education, plant breeder, etc. – for outstanding service to the floral industry of America

Lifetime Achievement Award

This individual has dedicated the majority of their life to the floral industry. Through their love and passion the industry is better today.

To nominate yourself or someone to receive an award please complete the nomination form below.

If you have any questions please email info@wumfa.org

"*" indicates required fields

Your Information:*
Your Email*
Nominees Information:*

Nominees Email*
Company City, State and Zip Code

After having read the nomination…please rate the following on a scale of 1 – 5, 5 being the best, or n/a because it doesn’t apply to the category.
This is what the Evaluators will be looking for.

Please include some reasons why you are nominating this person or company for an award (500 words or less). Remember to be specific and use detail as the award evaluators most likely will not know anything about the person or company that you are nominating. You can drag the box from the bottom right to enlarge this text area.